YTÜ YILDIZ TEKNOPARK, bünyesinde Avrupa Birliği tarafından fonlanan projelere yer vererek farklı alanlarda yeni nesil girişimcilere fırsatlar tanımaktadır. IMEHub projesi ise bu fırsatı IT sektöründeki girişimcilere sunuyor.

IMEHub, T.C Sanayi ve Teknoloji Bakanlığı ve İstanbul Kalkınma Ajansı koordinasyonuyla yürütülen ENHANCER projesinin bir bileşeni olarak bu amaca hizmet edecektir.

YTÜ Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi Davutpaşa Kampüsü Teknoloji Geliştirme Bölgesi 34220 Esenler – İstanbul / Türkiye
[email protected]
0212 483 70 00-01 (156)

IMEHub Acceleration Program

YTÜ YILDIZ TEKNOPARK provides opportunities for new generation entrepreneurs in different fields by including projects funded by the European Union. The IMEHub project offers this opportunity to entrepreneurs in the IT industry.

IMEHub serves this purpose as a component of the ENHANCER project, which is coordinated by the Ministry of Industry and Technology and Istanbul Development Agency.

Please take a look at the services available to you before applying

IMEHub Application Form (Product Level) IMEHub Application Form (Idea Level)


Training and Mentorship

Girişimcilik ve IT gibi konularda alanında uzman kişiler tarafından eğitim ve mentorluk aktiviteleri düzenlenecek.


Entrepreneurs at the product stage will additionally be able to access the consultancy services they are looking for.

Meeting with Investors

Target group members will have the opportunity to present their ideas and products to representatives of Technopark companies and investors and receive investment. Thus, they will be able to benefit from tax advantages.

Office facilities

Entrepreneurs will be able to benefit from office facilities within YTU TEKNOPARK.

Access to Global Markets

YTU Yıldız Teknopark's offices in Silicon Valley in the US, Dubai, Uzbekistan and recently in Europe facilitate access to global markets.


T.C Sanayi ve Teknoloji Bakanlığı

İstanbul Kalkınma Ajansı



What is the IMEHub program?

The ENHANCER project, funded by the European Union and implemented by the International Center for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) in coordination with the Turkish Ministry of Industry and Technology and Istanbul Development Agency, aims to contribute to the inclusion of Syrians under temporary protection in host communities through livelihood and employment opportunities.

YTU Yıldız Technopark, which has been at the top among technoparks for four years, hosts more than 200 start-ups and provides investments to start-ups with Yıldız Tekno GSYO. With the goal of becoming a leader in the region and a global leader, IMEHub promises its entrepreneurs the entrance ticket to the innovation ecosystem.

Our aim is to develop entrepreneurship opportunities and capacities in the software industry for Syrians under Temporary Protection (SRuTP) and Turkish Citizens by facilitating their access to certain services and increasing their interaction at Yıldız Incubation Center as a shared use facility.

About the application

Who Can Apply? Turkish Citizens or Syrians under Temporary Protection (SuTPs)


Idea and Product Levels

Separate programs were designed for both idea and product level start-ups. Each entrepreneur will be able to apply to the program where they can receive training, mentoring and consultancy support according to their needs.


Age Range

While there is no age restriction, more participation opportunities are granted to entrepreneurs between the ages of 18-40.


Female Entrepreneur

25% to be made up of female entrepreneurs

Acceleration process

About the program process

Entrepreneurs will undergo pre-assessment after having uploaded their business ideas on the online application platform. There is no restriction on the number of applications. The needs of the entrepreneurs who are entitled to be included in the enhancer program will be determined through separate interviews and the most appropriate trainings and mentorships will be provided to the entrepreneurs.

Throughout the process, we will stay in contact with entrepreneurs and the consultancy they need will be provided by experts in their respective fields.

Throughout the program, they will be able to follow their processes on our online platform, where they have submitted their applications.

While focusing on accelerating the compliance of the target groups, speakers will be invited to share their experiences on how to be a successful entrepreneur in the country and the world. Thus, entrepreneurs will gain the strength to comply with the Istanbul entrepreneurship ecosystem.

Within the scope of the Compliance Program, event-based seminars will be organized with the target groups on the topics Next Level Talks, Speed Networking, Opportunities for Start-ups in the MENA Region, Event-Based Seminars on the Turkish Entrepreneurship Ecosystem, Turkish Software Industry and Its Position in the World. Entrepreneurs will have the opportunity to meet each other and their mentors.

Accelerated trainings on company establishment, accounting and taxation, start-up law, investor relations, user experience design, business development (B2B & B2C), digital marketing, incentives and grants and corporate investment approaches and collaborations, mentorships on business development strategies (B2C, B2B), access to finance, and consultancies on branding and digital marketing will be provided to product-level entrepreneurs.

After the assessment, successful entrepreneurs will take the stage in front of investors at the Demo Day and make their investor presentations. In addition, they will also benefit from the opportunity to take part in the YTU Yıldız Technopark ecosystem.


Program Calendar

You can follow the Timeline updates here.


April 6 - May 15 2023

Publication of the announcement


9 June 2023

Jury review and launch of the Cohesion program


May June July 2023

Training, Mentorship, Consulting


17 May 2024

Demo day

This project is funded by the European Union under the ENHANCER program implemented by the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) and coordinated by the Ministry of Industry and Technology, Directorate General for Development Agencies. YTU Yıldız Teknopark is responsible for the content contained herein and the European Union, ICMPD and the Turkish Ministry of Industry and Technology cannot be held responsible.